The American Academy for Liberal Education (AALE) has renewed its membership in the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) International Quality Group (CIQG). Formed in September 2012, CIQG provides a forum for colleges and universities, accrediting organizations and higher education associations, businesses, governments, foundations and individuals to reflect on and exchange ideas concerning major issues relating to quality assurance in an international setting. Membership in CIQG reflects AALE’s commitment to its international members to remain current on topics particularly relevant to quality assurance of post-secondary general education within the international community.
As a CIQG member, AALE receives policy briefs and newsletters throughout the year which provide information on topics such as: public accountability, student learning, new modes of education delivery, international quality expectation, the role of government, academic freedom, non-institutional education and a single set of quality standards. An annual meeting, held during the CHEA Annual Conference in Washington, DC focuses on a current issue of relevance to all members. The topic chosen for this year’s annual meeting held January 27, 2015 was, Quality Assurance: Whose Responsibility?
Further information about CIQG is available at