AALE Holds Annual Elections

Annual elections were held at the June 2024 Board meeting. Board of Trustees members, Steve Balch, an independent scholar in Lubbock, TX was elected to a third 4-year term and Joshua Hochschild, Professor of Philosophy at Mount Saint Mary’s University (MD) was elected to a second 4-year term. Robert Manzer was reappointed as President.

Two new members were elected to the Council of Scholars – Dr. Karen Price and Dr. Peter Ulrickson. Karen is the Vice Provost and Dean of Instructional Effectiveness at Belmont Abbey College (NC). She has extensive experience with program evaluation, strategic planning and student learning outcomes assessment. Karen has published on alternate assessment in the Journal of Special Education and on measuring student engagement in the Journal of Continuing Higher Education. Peter is an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the Catholic University of America (DC). He has published in Communications and Algebra and is the author of the math text A Brief Quadrivium and the companion text Teaching the Quadrivium-A Guide for Instructors.